Bulgaria coach Konstantinov stressed the opponent's attitude and wants his players to learn from this defeat
Salta, Argentina, June 21, 2015 - Argentina's straight sets victory over Bulgaria was important for the home team to regain confidence, as the local favourites showed more energy than Bulgaria to get that win and continue their improvement.
Bulgaria captain Andrey Zhekov: "First of all, congratulations to Argentina. They won with a fair play today. As for us, we weren't a team. It's actually very hard for me to find things to say after a game like this."
Bulgaria coach Plamen Konstantinov: "I believe that at yesterday's match we spent a lot of energy also emotionally. Today, the key thing was who wanted it more. Argentina wanted to win this match for the fans and to recover, and we were already thinking about going back to Europe. We must fix this - I don't want my players to feel like one victory is enough. We must play every match; these kind of performances can destroy all of the work done before."
Argentina captain Javier Filardi: "We have played very good at key moments of the game. Bulgaria suffered from our serves and that was a vital part of the win. But I also think that if we want to improve, we should have won yesterday as well. We had our chances, the same as today, so I have a good feeling but we have to keep working and looking forward to improve."
Argentina coach Julio Velasco: "Our services were very strong tonight, with a low error rate, making Bulgaria struggle in receiving a lot. I also feel we played well on the attack. We had some lows, but Bulgaria couldn't make use of that, as they did last night. We have to have ambition - we can't settle with just one game when we could have won both. We need to fix our errors and work to be better."