Hugo Silva at the flash interview after Belgium win
Dominque Baeyens, Belgium coach: “I am very pleased with the victory, even though it was not a good match, since both teams made many errors. In the fourth set, we were winning by several points and saw our opponent decreasing the gap, and that is something we cannot allow.”
Sam Deroo, Belgium captain: “The first set was very bad, but afterwards we recovered and won the second one. I believe that the key moment of the match happened in the third set when we were losing by nine points and turned the score to our side, which allowed us to play with more confidence in the fourth set. Tomorrow will be difficult, because Portugal will never stop fighting until the end.”
Hugo Silva, Portugal coach: “We started out well in the match, with confidence and aiming to gain the three points. Afterwards there are the details, the detail in the reception that we failed, of the moments that we lost three or four points, which cannot happen. We have to work on the consistency of our game to avoid situations where we lose two or three points in a row or fail the service three consecutive times. We have to take a deep breath and think a little about the match in those moments.”
Alexandre Ferreira, Portugal player: “After winning the first set, that gave us even more motivation. In the second set, we suffered a sequence of services that stopped us from making points in the sideout and Belgium gained right there a great advantage, in addition to the great deal of errors by us.”